

1、Ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon!Welcome to China, welcome to Beijing!The Master, Confucious, a great thinker in ancient China, saidquot How happy we are, To meet friends from afar! quotToday, on behalf;翻译成英文是What about the accommodations there 相关词组学习what about 英hw#596t #601#712baut 美hwɑt #601#712ba#650tadv 怎么样,以为如何提出建议或用以引出话题;1逐个直译Beautiful environment, beautiful scenery and pleasant climatequot环境优美,风景秀丽,气候宜人quot这组词语通常用于描绘一个地方的自然面貌,气候情况通常用其中一个就足以表达含义了,可以全部直译出来,也可以简单浓缩;charactereducationandpracticeactsasanimportantelementofitEveryonemustfulfilitsresponsibilitiesandobligationstoprotecttheenvironment翻译人与环境是和谐相处的,我们生存在地球上,人是自然之子,而不能仅把人看作自然的征服者,大家都知道,人类;行交通费用是旅游中开销最大的一项,往往占总开支的一半以上如果时间宽裕,坐火车硬卧最适宜,既比飞机便宜很多,又节省住宿费用,增添旅途内容购机票要先了解起飞时间与机型到达目的地后,乘坐出租车前应大约知道路程和价格才;XX XX hotel is situated in the prime location, convenient transportation and landscape is set lodging, food, entertainment, business meetings at the foreign one fourstar hotel standards modernization XX in the。

2、优越的地理环境,成熟的商务氛围早已让宾馆成为恒久的商业地标,洪山宾馆将是您行政商务会议的首选Such geographical advantage and sophisticated bussiness atmosphere create a permanent commercial iconHongShan hotel where;10 cites with good environmomt in China 环境好的城市适宜居住自然就是值得去旅游的地方,所以不翻“旅游”二字有 “top 10” 表示排在好中之最前面,就有最好的意思,所以不再用“the best” 来强调。

3、实用旅游英语口语带翻译2 如何使用机内设备 第一句Could you please tell me how to turn on the radio?请您告诉我怎么开收音机,好吗?A Excuse me!劳驾!B Yes, what can I do for you?我能帮您什么?A;我们六点钟就起来了吃完早饭,我们就随着导游来到了第一个景点大东海一来到大东海,我就和妈妈去买潜水票,学会了手势,就坐快艇向潜水区出发到了潜水区,我就背上了氧气瓶,下了海,这时教练游了过来,他叫我把氧气嘴含住;I‘m living in a small town ,which is located in the north of the center city It is abundant in fruit of different kinds,the traffic is very conveninent ,it just cost 10 minuites to the city by ca;The environment from Hainan Island is really beautiful, it is also a good place to visit or to take time off。


4、中英文对照翻译Hotel interior environment elegant, complete supporting facilities, for the vast number of guests to provide comfortable, concise, warm living space酒店内部环境优雅,配套设施齐全,为广大宾客提供了舒适;Would you please help me to arrange for some travelling routes and hotels bookings?thanks;1给些关于旅游的好词好句英语版的 成都旅游英语100句 Travel in Chengdu English 100 Welcome to Chengdu The Land of Ease! 欢迎来到成都休闲之都 Transportation交通 1How was your flight?旅程怎么样啊?trip;很多人都会在放假的时候去旅游,老师们也难免会让大家写一些关于旅游的作文,以下是我整理的几篇关于旅游英语作文,供大家参考篇一 Last summer vacation I went to Beijing with my family First day,we went go the;Here beautiful scenery, the environment clean, neat, the air is fresh, visitors are many。